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Power Standards Lab ETH1 Ethernet Module

Power Standards Lab ETH1 Ethernet Module 
  • PQube automatically generates and sends an email whenever a disturbance occurs.
  • Built-in web server - see status and meters, retrieve files, change configuration, update firmware, reset PQube...
  • Command the PQube by email: reset, generate snapshot, retrieve files (free email account for each PQube)

Product Details

Power Standards Lab ETH1 Ethernet Module

PQube Plug-in Modules and Accessories

Connect your PQube via Ethernet Module to access PQube data remotely from anywhere in the world, using any web browser. No Software Required!

- PQube automatically generates and sends an email whenever a disturbance occurs (or periodically):
- Spreadsheets: CSV Excel© - compatible files; events, trends, statistics.
- Pictures: Events and trend/statistics as picture graphs output directly from PQube in typical GIF format (dual language supported).
- PQDIF: the IEEE's standard for power quality data files.
- Text, XML, and HTML summaries: perfect for interfacing with other programs.
- Built-in web server - see status and meters, retrieve files, change configuration, update firmware, reset PQube...
- Command the PQube by email: reset, generate snapshot, retrieve files (free email account for each PQube)
- FTP server for easy file transfer.
- Modbus-TCP for SCADA applications.
- External time synchronization via SNTP.

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